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  • Anti fogging agent T-161
  • Fog dispersal agent T-161 Fog dispersal agent T-161

    Anti fogging agent T-161

    Anti fogging agent T-161 is a modified acrylic resin, designed for anti-haze and contamination of powder coating. T-161can effectively increase the cure rate and reduce surface tension, significantly eliminatesurfacedefects to create a high gloss and excellent DOI surface.

    Typical physical data:

    Appearance: White powder

    Melting point (℃): 110-135℃

    Volatiles (%): ≤0.5%

    Use level: Co-extrude 0.3-0.5%

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    Anti-haze agent T-161
    1. Description
    T-161 is a modified acrylic resin, designed for anti-haze and contamination of powder coating. T-161can effectively increase the cure rate and reduce surface tension, significantly eliminatesurfacedefects to create a high gloss and excellent DOI surface.

    2. Typical physical data
    Appearance White powder
    Melting point (℃) 110-135℃
    Volatiles (%) ≤0.5%

    3. Use level: Co-extrude 0.3-0.5%

    4. Advantages and application
    ● Eliminate haze and enhance the gloss and DOI
    ● Degassing with anti-yellowing
    ● Better texture and easy demoulding for thermal transfer powder coatings
    ● Enhance the compatibility and anti-contamination

    5.Packaging and storage
    Polyethylene lining, net weight 25KG caveat; stored in a cool and dry placetoavoidmoisture absorption.In the < 30 ℃ is valid for two years at room temperature